
Kamis, 02 Juni 2016

having a hard time potty training my puppy

having a hard time potty training my puppy

Have you taken him to a vet? it seems like he wants to be house trained, but can't hold it. i'd check with a vet first. after that, one midnight potty break might be. Answer i would recommend that you have the dog neutered first, amy. his regression *could* be due to his entering sexual maturity and wanting to 'mark' his territory.. I'm having a really hard time potty training my puppy. i've been trying for about 3 weeks now and she doesnt quite get it. any tips?? please!.

... with a drag lead) doing a very pretty Sit. Puppy obedience training

... with a drag lead) doing a very pretty sit. puppy obedience training

How to Use Puppy Pads and Outdoor Potty Training Together

How to use puppy pads and outdoor potty training together

Crate Training: How To Potty Train A Puppy

Crate training: how to potty train a puppy

When i got my puppy (8 weeks) it took about 2 weeks to potty train him. i took him outside every 2hrs and waited until he went potty. at night he stayed in. I am having a really hard time potty training my 7 month old shih 7 months too young to train a puppy. I am having a hard time potty trining my puppy. i got him about three weeks ago. he barks and lets me know when he has to go poop so i take him out then. i also take.

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